May 27, 2017

Balancing Life and Work

Success takes hard work, and your life & family should not suffer in order for you to be successful. 

Many people believe that you need to sacrifice some thing in order for you to get ahead of "the" other thing. That may be true, but of course any aspect or your personal life must not be compromised. 

Like for Health, it is said that "Health is Wealth" and I couldn't agree more. When I was in tip top shape I always maximize my energy for the whole day, I sometimes abuse my self by not taking rest even when I'm super tired. I don't like to sleep much because of my personal belief that "There's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead." As hilarious as it sound, I literally applied this motto in my life. 😂  Then came back my Lupus, because of stress and non-stop abuse of my physical body it triggered my 16year old sleeping Lupus to wake up once again. So my advice? Taking care of your body should be your number one priority. Set up a healthy routine and keep it consistent! Healthy foods and regular exercise will help a lot. Plus fun and leisure time after an exhausting day at work or for the week end will help you release all the negativity that had accumulated you in mental and emotional aspect.

Then Family, the other term for life and love. We're all vulnerable when it comes to stress. And sometimes, we forget that stress from work must only remain within the four corners of our workspace and that it shouldn't be brought home. It's a mortal sin to make your family or any of your family member (at least) to have a taste of your ill-mood when you got yourself a deadline for reports and others. It's totally unfair for them, right? So, create a lining between work and home life. Once you're with your family, focus on them, reconnect, and treasure every single moment. As cliche as it may sound, it's still one of the best advice anyone can have. ❤️

Start a Hobby or anything you find you're passionate about. It can be music, arts, sports, baking, cooking, etc. This will help you create another identity for yourself aside from being a "insert job title here." 😜 It won't only reduce stress and open interesting topics for conversation over lunch or dinner with your officemates, but it will also bring back a refreshed mind and body when you go back, again, for work. 

What you Believe matters. We are easily persuaded by what the majority favors for. And sadly, even if we don't seem to agree, we don't have a choice because we are the only one left standing and we are a bit ashamed to be called that one leftist in then group. Which I personally believe is not right. Believe in the morals of what you stand for as long as it is right. Besides, it is more stressful to cringe than to voice out what you feel. 

Last but not the least, Relationships, in all aspects. May it be with your boss, officemates, big-time clients, new customers, employers, from the smallest to the highest job positions in the building, or just everybody that you interact with in your working environment needs a nurturing relationship.


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