May 01, 2017

College degree or Passion?

Last year (2016), I was eagerly searching for a home based or online job that would generate an extra income for me after I quit my job as a Respiratory Therapist. Yes, I'm an RT by profession, in a 250-bed capacity hospital. The reason why I quit my job? Sadly, it's as simple as "I am not as happy and as inspired anymore." :(

But dear, please don't get me wrong here, it's not that I don't feel the fulfillment of helping others, or the challenge of helping the patient make their lungs breathe, or the adrenaline rush during code blues, it's just that I think there's another world for me where I can shine more brightly. Or should I say, I will shine bright like a diamond! ;) 

Hospital work is an exhausting yet rewarding job and, it's one of the most time consuming and mind blowing work that I know of. Just imagine yourself rushing non-stop all over the place for 8 long hours or so (longer hours of duty is always always possible, 12-16 hours shift most of the time), extracting blood from critically ill patients at wards and intensive care units, rushing in with  ventilators/breathing machines for emergency cases, and setting up pretty much everything to help with the team. When it comes to dealing with my patients, most of the time, I get affected by their situations and their pains. I always have a heart for them.There are times when I can't help myself but to cry or at least get teary-eyed whenever I see someone passed or passing away while the families are weeping. And it always leaves a mark on me the whole day. I know this is not how I supposed to act professionally but, hey I'm human! Being an RT gave me tons of privileges to witness how precious every single life is. But... Theres is also this tiny voice within me that tells me there's more to life.


So, what really is my passion? At first, I really have no idea. Yup, I don't exactly know what my passion is. Believe me, I have this tiny voices in me but I quite can't figure it all out. I don't know where or how to start. I don't know how to ignite the itty bitty sparks that is within me. So, okay I know I'm in a huge mess. I have a change of heart but I don't know what to do and where to put my best foot forward, neither do I know which route to take ahead for my dreams to come to life. Not to mention that I have two kids which I needed to support. That being said, I just know I-AM-DOOMED! So I started from where it all began, my childhood. I reminisce all the dreams that I've dreamed of, all those fantasies and childish ideas, the inventions I wished to make and, I have this feeling that this is going to be my starting point. Then it all just popped out of me, my love for fashion and how I used to sketch my dream wardrobe. I've also dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur where I will put up a whole store with all the specially hand-picked items I bought from all over the world. And of course, my ultimate dream of all time, becoming the Lady Boss. ;)

Now is the right time. While being a full time home maker, I am doing some research and watching video tutorials about sewing. Why sewing? Because I wanted to put my visions into reality, I wanted to sew dresses, garments, and  all the stuffs that I've been sketching throughout my childhood years. I wanted to make pieces that I will be proud of. Why don't I just enroll in school? But I don't wanna go to school anymore! Haha! Seriously tho, with my Lupus remission at this phase I cannot afford to exhaust and put pressure on myself just yet, I still need to gauge and balance everything in my life to recover from my Lupus. But I already inquired at some schools which offers short courses for dressmaking for the next semester, just in case! 

So, here's to all the passions that are yet to be discovered, to all the dreams which are about to unfold, and of course to everyone who's making it NOW! Cheers!!! ;)


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