April 16, 2017

My Hair Loss and Lupus

"The immune system normally fights off dangerous infections and bacteria to keep the body healthy. An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks the body because it confuses it for something foreign. There are many autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).'"

I was first diagnosed with Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) when I was 13 years old. Luckily, it was an early detection so I was treated before it even developed, it was a fast phased treatment and no problems nor complications got on my way. To cut the story short, my Lupus slept for a very very very long time after it's detection and treatment. Until... 16 years later, the present time, it woke up again. Symptoms started to fill me up like muscle pains, fatigue, occasional joint pains, hair fall, butterfly rashes, etc.
I never would have thought that a Lupus remission would be possible because my life was all perfectly doing well, even my Doctor believed that not having any maintenance medicine for long years without a flare is a miracle and like the Lupus was completely gone, but I guess life is a box full of surprises!

My major dilemma from my flare is my hair, yes, my hair! And I think I'm losing it. Shocks! Am I gonna be bald? Haha! I'm serious though. So here's the odd-juicy story, I started to notice hair falls on November 2016 (I was diagnosed with Lupus flare at October 2016), I thought it will just pass and changing my shampoo will solve the problem, but it didn't. 

I've tried using Kerasys Shampoo (the pink and white one) because it says it can make your hair stronger -- of course it's just advertising, it didn't made my hair stronger. 

I've tried using Johnson and Johnson's baby shampoo (the bright pink one) because it says it's a mild shampoo plus it has Argan oil (FYI, Lupies must use mild shampoos and soaps because they tend to have more sensitive skin during flare ups) -- and Nuuuuh! Baby shampoo didn't do the job too.

Tried the Suave Naturals Daily Clarifying Shampoo too because it's Hypoallergenic and I have a feeling that it's super mild -- I guess not.

Tried also the Suave Kids shampoo because my daughter uses it daily and thought I should give it a try -- not a good idea either. 

Until finally! I found the one and only shampoo that lessens my hair fall! Yes! After a loooong series of trials I did to my poor hair and scalp, I came across the one that lessens the falls. So I was at a drugstore buying my meds, I saw this shampoo on the racks and it says it's organic, so I gave a try right away. and after using it for several weeks, it lessens my hair fall and I think the others started to grow too. Downs of this shampoo tho it that it's a bit oily on the scalp so you need to wash your hair every day. Yeah, because I don't wash my hair everyday (during my flare so as to lessen the hair loss), I just tied it up forever. 
Now, presenting my newly found BFF shampoo, Moringga-O Herbal Shampoo. Besides being organic, this shampoo also has Malunggay (which is a super plant here in the Philippines because of its super nutrients compositions), Olive oil, Omega oil, and Argan Oil.

And I guess with these ingredients combined in an organic shampoo, it did the job for me. 
Kuddos to me, I'm few steps away from being bald! Hurrah!!! 


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