January 03, 2016

Beauty 101: L'Orèal White Perfect Facial Foam

With all the toxins, pollutions, and stress from my everyday commuter & hospital work-life, I know I've been too hard on my skin. For some months now, I only use facial wash (drugstore bought only!) to cleanse my face in the morning and before I hit the sack. I don't use facial moisturizers, toner, sunblock, or anything. And yes, I suck bigtime! Now I'm reaping the fruits of my laziness, the dullness and dryness of my skin is starting to bother me. Not to mention a few breakouts, which is very new for me since I have a let me say perf smooth facial skin since childhood, and some wanna-have-some-poppin whiteheads. Then came this very pasaway pimple right in the middle of my left cheek. It's horrible! The redness never went off even if it was few months ago since I popped it! By the way, I don't go for regular facials from the derma clinics because like what I mentioned earlier, I used to have a clear smooth facial skin.So as I was saying, this one pasaway pimple got me a noticeably red dot on the left cheek that's been sitting there comfortably for more than two months now. I started to worry because my sister's wedding will be in a month from now, my goal is to, at least, just fade away this dot because I know it's a little too late and impossible for it to completely disappear, it will take time! And effort! 

I was going gaga researching and reading articles over the net looking for facial wash or foam or anything-step-one to address my skin concerns on the face and yet I can't seem to find a good and yet affordable facial wash. Gladly, my guy friend told me that his facial complexion got better when he started to use L'orèal prods for men. And so I tried the brand. I went to the department store and was surprised that it was only Php199.00! Sounds a good find for my pocket! The texture of the cream is a bit heavy/thick which I think is good because it actually forms a thick foam when wiped on a wet face. Also, one tube will last longer (I compared it from my pervious facial wash) since you only need a very small amount of the product. (I dunno if explained it well? Forgive me, this is my first time doing a review! Hehe!)

Fast forward, I have been using this facial foam for 3 weeks now. Given that I am at my late 20's, I have a combination type of skin and slightly sensitive. 
When I used it for the first time, I got some itch & tingling sensations. It's kind of mahapdi and it's like I had tiny invisible cuts on my face and I got a little peeling skin parts on my chin.. I thought I needed to stop using it immediately because I have been worrying about the sensation issues, but I decided to give it a chance and observe. Gladly, after few times of using it morning and night my skin adapted the change!
The red dot I was talking about gradually faded and lessened it's redness! Although it's a minimal change, I am so happy about it! :) Because with continouos use I know that it will soon disappear completely. I have faith in this! Haha! ;) And also, according to the label at the back, it DOESN'T contain any paraben.

And oh! By the way, I am now on my search for a facial moisturizer and eye cream since I am now aware of my "late 20's skin needs"

My verdict:
L'orèal White Perfect - Purifying and Brightening Milky Foam - 4/5 STARS


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