June 21, 2017

Beef tips in Oyster sauce with Sitsaro

Hello, Mommies!

It's a daily struggle to prepare meals for the family on day to day basis. Yung mag-isip kung anong ulam iluluto is what stresses us out. I know everybody can relate to that. What to prepare that the kids will eat and at the same time dapat healthy, right? There are times (well, most of the time for me) we're a bit drained because we already run out of ideas and recipes so the tendency is we invent. Whatever is available and viable in the fridge goes out and voila! It's a new ulam na! That is the typical diskarte of mommies in the house. We make all things work out, hindi pwedeng hindi! Haha! And speaking of that, here's a healthy meal that I made because I was a bit lazy to think what to prepare and I promise this is satisfaction guaranteed masarap. Please don't judge me when I say I'm lazy ha. Haha! By the way, this recipe is super easy to prepare and it would only take less than thirty minutes of your life. So, here it goes.

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Beef tenderloin tips
  • Oyster sauce
  • Kikkoman Soysauce
  • Sitsaro or Pea pod
  • Sugar (optional)
  1. Sautee garlic and onion in a pan.
  2. Add the beef tenderloin tips. It's important that you don's overcook the beef as it will get makunat na (unpleasantly chewy).
  3. Pour in the oyster sauce and kikkoman. In here, I used my tanchameter powers. I don't follow exact measurements, I just follow what my taste buds tells me. 
  4. Add some sugar if you find it a little salty, again, this is optional. 
  5. If you think that the beef is cooked already, add in the sitsaro. Quick-cook it for about a minute or less to preserve the freshness and crunchiness of the sitsaro.

Hope you like my recipe! Enjoy!!!


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