May 10, 2012

This Book Saved my Life

Lately, I've been interested in books. Okay, I know it's sooo not me, I'm not a fan of any book and I don't like to read a lot (except for fashion magazines). Since super expensive ng books sa book stores, I go for the second hand books. I went to Book Sale, and was browsing for a GOOD book to read. I saw the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and got excited to get it. BUT! Some hand took it right before my hand lands onto the book. Fail! Ang tagal kong naghanap tapos when I finally saw IT may mauuna pa sa kin makakuha. Anyway, I still searched for a good title. I started to look again.

I got interested at this book. For someone who's not a bookworm and just wants to try reading. I think the title is so appealing for the readers. In the middle of my nowhere-abouts, at this point were I am somehow "lost," my instinct told me buy the book, go home, and start reading it.

I was a little bored and confused at the beginning of the story. But as the story goes I already had an idea of how this story will flow. I finished this book in about 48 hours I think. (Is that too slow? Heheh).

Well, I wrote this because this book took me into a deeper sense of life. Yes, I appreciate life. I appreciate every little thing about me, my little family, my family, my friends, and the everyone that is IN my life. I can appreciate even the smallest details. I thank God for giving me whatever I have at this point. But this book took me into a whole new level. Losing everything I have, my little angels, my family, and everyone, what if that happens? What if I achieved my ultimate dreams but loses someone along the way without noticing? Because I only care for what I want to have than the value of  my dear loved ones?
And then what comes next? What will I do with my dreams when the most important part is to be able to share it to them? Where's the genuine happiness in there?
These are the questions that linger on my mind. Everything is useless. Sometimes, you will do things you can't do for yourself or for your loved ones. You can't do those things because you're already a decade or a half lifetime late. You can't just get out of a person's life and then come back in whenever you feel like to do so. You can do everything you want while keeping these important people. Find time and just always be there! (:

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