May 31, 2014

Sun, Sand, and the Beach!

Pretty much in life, there is no easy way. But there will always be some things that's worth winning for, worth waiting for, and worth fighting for. :)

So, what's the connection of the quote on my blog? Nothing. I'm just being a little mellow dramatic.  I just felt like saying it, forgive me. Haha! :)

May 24 - 27 of 2014 is the date! When I learned, and for the first time, tried diving 9 meters deep in the ocean bed of Anilao, Batangas. I called it my "Personal Milestone" Hahaha! Because I conquered my fear in deep seas. :) I know how to float but not in deep seas or pools. Crazy lang no? Well, that's me! :D So we left Manila on Saturday afternoon, arrived at Anilao like 9PM. Pero ano nga ba ang outing kung walang konting delays? Of course we had one, we got a flat tire when we reached Btangas City, there we waited for almost 2hrs. kasi it was raining haaard. Then sakto we were in front of the Police Station, the policemen and towns people were so kind that they helped us change the tire and let us stay in the station and I got a mini pop-interview by one of the men. He told me he thought I am the youngest among my siblings. [Oh well! Haha! Sorry my little baby sis! ;)]

So, ages ago we used to go to Anilao every summer because Paps and my sister Kei used to dive. Way back, we also went in Cebu, Bohol, and Puerto Galera so they can check out the wonders of diving in the deep blue oh-so-beautiful sea. After almost 3 years, it was only now that we do it again. The Batangas version!

We stayed at SunBeam Marine Sports. It's a resort for divers but, they have more Japanese guesses tank Filipinos and other nationalities because the owner and the manager were Japanese BFFs. Everything is in US Dollar rate then they will convert it into whatever currency you'll use to pay when you check out. We stayed at a villa on top of the hill, room rate is US$80 per night, but the room is so big, it has 4 double sized beds, T&B, AC, living room, TV with cable channels, and a refrigerator. But there are also smaller rooms down the hill, with the view of the oh-so beautiful sea. :) Meals are served just in time for breakfast, lunch and, dinner. They don't have a full menu, they'll only let you choose between two dishes each meal, Japanese food of course. Meal set ranges from US$8-US$15 per meal. Drinking water is not free, only the coffee and auth. Japanese tea.
They handle master divers and everything about scuba diving, so I'm pretty sure they can help you with all your diving needs. For first time divers like me, the Master diver and I had an orientation. It's more like a crash course, he taught me the basics of diving, the gadgets, and we dove for a couple of meters as practice.
Then after a few hours we rode the bangka to dive in different dive spot. Seeing underwater corals and fishes is awesome! It's super nice to swim with them and actually touch them. :) After 30mins we got up from the water, and it was sooooo tiring. it's like we've been slapped by a shark, mga 10 times! Haha! But it was super fun though. So after my blah blahs, here's some of our pictures! :)

The Basics of Diving.

Meet Kuya. The 19y/o Master Diver :D


I can only go 9 meters deep! :) Not bad for a beginner, right? Haha!

Meet Peach and Mischa, my super kulit babies. They doesn't wanna get out of the water and yet they complain about their sun burned backs. Cutesy little kids!

 Mommy Kei and Mischa both have their batcha-cuzzi after swimming.

Mommy Maik, Paps, and Mommy Kei with Mischa.

My favorite part, pictures with my kids. They doesn't look like brats here. They look like Angels instead. Haha! ;)

After 59years! HAPPY FAMBAM! Yey! :)

The cool kids. :D

Mama and the kids.

Meet my pretty little sis. I hate her. So much! Haha!

I hope you like what you saw. And also my blah blahs... By the way, the last 6 pictures was taken at Tootsie's, Tagaytay. You gotta try their Special Maliputo fish, it can only be found in Tagaytay, it's super delish!

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