April 16, 2013

Love Dare

Hey there! I just thought I needed to write my own version of THE LOVE DARE. 
For those who doesn't have an idea what it is, well, it's just like a journal or more like a guide to love. It is described as "40 Days Love Journey." I came to knew this Love Dare thing through my ex boyfriend slash almost husband to be. (hihi :p)Way back his college, he had christian living subject and their professor let them watched this movie. And he also wanted me to watch it, so I did. Anyway, enough of my blah blah. :))

Here comes my first home made version of THE LOVE DARE... :)

Day 1 : Love is Patient

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
—Ephesians 4:2 NIV 

The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It’s better to hold your tongue than to say something you’ll regret.

My Version  Years ago, this boy came across my life. I never know love then but, he showed me and taught me what exactly is its purpose and definition.  We've been through a lot and it was never easy. But we carry on and managed to still be together despite of everything that had happened. But all things has its endings, and ours ended for so many different unexpected reasons. We end up in a situation where we can't seem to recognize ourselves. We realized we didn't know each other already, we grew apart and we barely knew each other. Because I had given my love so much, there are many times that I would just pray and ask God what happened to us. Why did we grew apart and why did he let theses things happen. I almost hated God for having a plan like those, I almost lost my faith because he let me be in an awful situation and just watched me suffered like he really didn't care. My life was miserable then, I had so much pain and I suffered all because of one boy. All because of that damn love! I hated myself for it and, I even hated all the people around me. 

But as they always say, God has its own ways...

Despite every pain, tears, broken heart and, sacrifices I still managed to compose and pick myself up. The pain faded and  turned away. All the rage in my heart just suddenly goes away and was replaced by love, for my family, friends, and to that boy whom I hated so much. Maybe I finally learned how to wait and BE PATIENT to trust God. The boy who taught me Love and Hatred is also the same boy who taught me what the real meaning of life, love and, lost. 

And even if it happened years ago already, I'd still be patient. I would still choose to be good and not rant about anything.  

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