October 18, 2012

Love your Singleness

Yes, I wrote this because I am single. :) Honestly, I was hesitant on writing this post about love, but since i'm here already typing these letters, I guess it's time to let it all come out.
Few months from now it's already been a year since I had my first (first love, first boyfriend, ever) long term relationship. And am still not sure if that's the last also. Haha! Kidding aside, I was so madly and deeply in love at that time and I'm still "in the process" of you-know-what. :)

Of course everyone would say that a break-up really sucks, big time! And nobody would want to be in the position. All those emotions, bitterness, drama, lonely and sleepless nights, pain, and everything that comes with it, are only a part of the bigger picture. Every single person that goes through it, suffers. Pero it will all pass. For someone who already had their hearts broken, they probably know the drill.

What drill ba kamo? 

The break-up, then soon you'll find out that he/she has a new prospect, then emote kang konti, medyo okay ka na, then it's all gone, alongside of it you have a new love life na rin pala.
That's the flow of the story if it's not your first time. But if you're like me, it's a loooooooong process! I tried reading books to uplift myself, started writing on some few letters and journals to release and ease the process, and kept myself busy so I wouldn't have time to think of "it." To look for a new partner is NEVER the solution, we all know that. You just gotta have to release it all and let go, one step at a time. And surprisingly, it has changed me A LOT. I regain myself and the half of a new me. :) I enjoyed my singleness. Even if I was in the storm alone, I never looked for someone to fill me in. I became more closer to God, I prayed more than my usual routine. I appreciate life way more than I was appreciating it before. I learned to value more of those people who stayed behind my side and never let me down, of course most of them are my BFF and super friends. I also learned to recognize even the simplest things in life, and considered it as a blessing.

In life you'll get hurt. You will cry and will have to experience all the goods and the bad. If you're one sided, you will never learn. You will never grow. And you'll be just the same old selfish version of yourself. If you don't experience pain you will never know your capacity and you'll never know how strong you really are. You will never have the opportunity change for the better if you will just keep on running away from everything. and mostly, you will never find the right person for you if you keep on sticking with the wrong one.

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