October 30, 2018

Dear my Husband,

Dear husband, 
Let’s not wait until the kids are grown to make time for us ❤️
My darling, I wanted to tell you...
One day we are going to wake up, and our kiddos are going to be adults.
Can you even imagine these perfect little bodies turning into full-blown adult-size women with jobs and big responsibilities?
I mean. I want them to, of course. But still. It’s a little trippy thinking about what they’ll be like. What life will be like.
Our babies are going to move out and have lives of their own.
They’re going to create families. Their families will become priority number one and we will move gracefully down the list.
It’ll be hard to let go, I’m sure. Maybe even heartbreaking. Sometimes I stay awake at night wondering if they’re going to ask if they can go to college five hours (or more!) away from us...like I did-To my parents.
But then, sometimes, I let myself think about life with you when they’re grown.
We’re going to have lots of uninterrupted one-on-one time together again.
We can travel. We can explore. We can go on adventures of a new kind.
We can go try that fancy new restaurant on a whim. Without finding a babysitter, or the extra cash to pay them.
Or maybe we’ll even invite our grown children to join us for that nice dinner and we’ll enjoy adult conversation together.
The days when we’d attempt to go out to dinner with our little ones where they’d grab the salt to pour it out, then the pepper, then the salt....will feel like another lifetime ago.
We’ll wake up together, to each other. And fall asleep together, with each other.
It’ll be quiet in our house—no more loud singing of The Little Mermaid soundtrack, no more fighting over toys, no more giggles when we make funny faces.
We can have all the uninterrupted conversation we want.
No topic will be too deep, no good debate will take up too much of our time.
We’re going to have all of this when our kids are grown.