December 05, 2013

My point is...


My sisters used to say "You Only Live Once" when making excuses for partying so hard and going out one-to-sawa. And at some point I believe in them, even if it may sound so nonsense [hahah! sorry my sissies!]. And somehow, for the record, YOLOing made me realize how every second, minutes, hours, and days of our lives are so important. 

You can do anything you want, you can just be a bad person or a good one. You have the choice to go to school and finish it, or just stop and start making for a living. We all have different lives, different paths. Different journeys, and stories. Each of which was custom made by God. Our happiness doesn't depend on any thing or to anyone. 

What we do makes us happy. What we love doing will make us happy. And we don't have to force ourselves and waste time trying to please others. 
It's true, the best things in life are free. I will survive life just as long as I have my little family (because they're my life), my parents, my sisters, and friends. and of course, faith must be in the center of it all. There's nothing I can ask for from God. For he already filled my life with the joys I can't miss out.